
Saturday, April 18, 2020

Second Time to Candle

The first time we candled our eggs was on day 7.  Today is day 18 and so much has been happening to the chicks inside of their eggs! Chicken eggs take about 21 days to hatch.  Day 18 is the last time we will candle the eggs because we want to let the baby chicken get in the correct position inside the egg to hatch when the time comes. Here is a picture of what the embryo might look like inside of the shell on day 17.

Here are the pictures from our second and last candling.  As you can see in the pictures below most of the eggs are dark with only a small air pocket.  That is because the chicken embryo is taking up most of the space inside the shell.This egg however is mostly light, with only the yolk showing.  
These eggs are
not showing any signs of a chicken embryo growing inside so now is the time that we take it out of the incubator.
Here are the 14 eggs that we will continue to watch on the webcam.

Here is a video from our zoom during the candling process!

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